In April, Sissy moves to the Grinstead family home, Oldfields, in Gautier, MS with her father, Walter Anderson, and their two children, Mary and Billy


Walter Anderson builds a kiln in the carriage house at at Oldfields. Photos of Oldfields by Nola Nance Oliver, "The Gulf Coast of Mississippi," 1941

Bob fires a new series of figurines, but after a fire in the kiln burns the Oldfields carriage house to the ground. Drawings by Walter Inglis Anderson (c) Family of Walter Anderson


Exhibition of Shearwater Pottery by Peter Anderson, decorated by Walter Anderson, Brooks Memorial Art Gallery, Memphis, Tennessee.


Mac marries Sara Lemon


Mac reinvigorates the Annex, rebuilding its muffle kiln and firing a new series of nine baseball payer figurines, hunters, a Rip Van Winkel, "gadgets," etc. Drawing from Nancy Sweezy, "Raised in Clay."


Shearwater considers expanding into a larger company, but decides not to. Clipping courtesy of Ray L. Bellande.

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